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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Project Management Softwares! the myth

Most of the fresh experts in Project Management field look for Project Management Softwares for their success. Importance of such soft wares can not be denied but at the same time their proper use is essential. For new comers the soft wares might not be ladder to success but in fact a trap. As they may try to be efficient in any selected software they would be driven far and far from common sense

There are three prerequisites for effective use of any project management software. The first and most important is the knowledge about project, its activities and its required outputs. These three must then be making a sense also. Any one who knows what is purpose of his/her project, effective communication and understands the human side of a project would easily use the software. Anyone who does not know his/her project but knows the soft ware, its out puts, activity charts etc is bound to fail. So know your project.

Second issue is about scale of the project, small projects with limited duration and teams may not need any software. Use of softwares may even complicate the whole process. Larger projects with multi stakeholders require a software for better control.

Lastly be sure that any software used by you you is understandable by other concerned team members or project partners. Many times a simple file sent in MS Project is not only not understandable but even not openable by some project partners who are used with MS Excel. By the way, MS Excel still proves to be an efficient tool for small to medium size projects around the globe.


  1. Any one who knows what is purpose of his/her project, effective communication and understands the human side of a project would easily use the software.

    Profile Management Software

  2. At the same time its primary purpose is to optimize the varied utilizations of resource based facilities including the resources such as energy, space, time, people, technology and many others. But for every free project management software, time constraint plays a major part in the whole process.

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